
Golden Dyes

March 12, 2014

Today President Obama held a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk of Ukraine.
arsenic (n.)

late 14c., from Old French arsenic, from Latin arsenicum, from late Greek arsenikon "arsenic" (Dioscorides; Aristotle has it as sandarake), adapted from Syriac (al) zarniqa "arsenic," from Middle Persian zarnik "gold-colored" (arsenic trisulphide has a lemon-yellow color), from Old Iranian *zarna- "golden," from PIE root *ghel- "to shine" (see Chloe). The form of the Greek word is folk etymology, literally "masculine," from arsen "male, strong, virile" (cf. arseno-koites "lying with men" in New Testament) supposedly in reference to the powerful properties of the substance. The mineral (as opposed to the element) is properly orpiment, from Latin auri pigmentum, so called because it was used to make golden dyes.
Arsenius is a male first name. It is a Latinized Greek word arsen, which has meanings "male, strong, virile".
Russian: Arseny (Russian: Арсений, also transliterated as Arseni, Arseniy, Arsenij, Arsenie). The Russian surname Arsenyev is derived from it. The older form of this name is Arsentiy (Арсентий).
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Auksiniais dažais. 
По блогам, соцсетям и сетевым изданиям прошла информация, из которой следует, что золотой запас Украины вывезен из Борисполя специальным бортом. Обстоятельства выглядят не то, чтобы сомнительными, но несколько странными – всего запас Украины составлял 36 тонн (правда, это было год назад), а все рассказы о вывозе говорят о неких 40 ящиках. Их и привезли на не совсем соответствующем транспорте, и загрузили слишком шустро для такого веса, да и ящиков маловато. Подтверждать или опровергать эту информацию, понятно, не будет никто, хотя особого удивления она не вызывает.
Šmeižia, žinoma.
 This Article was first published in February 2013
The financial world was shocked this month by a demand from Germany’s Bundesbank to repatriate a large portion of its gold reserves held abroad. By 2020, Germany wants 50% of its total gold reserves back in Frankfurt – including 300 tons from the Federal Reserve. The Bundesbank’s announcement comes just three months after the Fed refused to submit to an audit of its holdings on Germany’s behalf. One cannot help but wonder if the refusal triggered the demand.

Either way, Germany appears to be waking up to a reality for which central banks around the world have been preparing: the dollar is no longer the world’s safe-haven asset and the US government is no longer a trustworthy banker for foreign nations. It looks like their fears are well-grounded, given the Fed’s seeming inability to return what is legally Germany’s gold in a timely manner. Germany is a developed and powerful nation with the second largest gold reserves in the world. If they can’t rely on Washington to keep its promises, who can?

Where is Germany’s Gold?




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Golden Eye.

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