
May 26

Prancūzai Paryžiuj protestuoja prieš tai, kas įvyko gegužės 17-tą.

Mūsų žiniasklaida šito nemato, kitką (ko bijot teisėsaugos?) mato.

Nuotrauka asociatyvi.

associate (v.)
mid-15c., from Latin associatus past participle of associare "join with," from ad- "to" (see ad-) + sociare "unite with," from socius "companion" (see social). Related: Associated; associating. Earlier form of the verb was associen (late 14c.), from Old French associier "associate (with)."
social (adj.) 
c.1500 (implied in socially), "characterized by friendliness or geniality," also "allied, associated," from Middle French social (14c.), from Latin socialis "united, living with others," from socius "companion," probably originally "follower," and related to sequi "to follow" (cf. Old English secg, Old Norse seggr "companion," which seem to have been formed on the same notion; see sequel).
Nori, kad sektume?

Dizaineriai, mūsų elgesį šitaip projektuoja?

O šito kodėl nerodo?

Juk turtingosios Šveicarijos sostinė.

Europiečiai kažkodėl nenori rodyt.

O "Skamba skamba kankliai", kuriems Vilniaus valdžia pinigų šiemet neskyrė, irgi apipavidalintojams neskamba.

Nors skamba.

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