
Gaudė senis lydį

"I am not interested in money but in the things of which money is the symbol." [Henry Ford]

Na, jei nori su monų valdytojais, monytojais, lošti, turi būti nepėsčias.

smart money
"money bet by those in the know," 1926, from smart (adj.). The same phrase earlier meant "money paid to sailors, soldiers, workers, etc., who have been disabled while on the job" (1693), from a noun derivative of smart (v.).

smart (v.)
O.E. smeortan "be painful," from W.Gmc. *smert- (cf. M.Du. smerten, Du. smarten, O.H.G. smerzan, Ger. schmerzen "to pain," originally "to bite"), from PIE base *(s)merd-, from base *(s)mer- "to rub, pound" (cf. Gk. smerdnos "terrible, dreadful," Skt. mardayati "grinds, rubs, crushes," L. mordere to bite").

Tas germaniškas žodis smert ...

Kaip sakė François de La Rochefoucauld, gudrumas yra riboto proto požymis.

Pinigai, žinia, yra gudrumo kūdikis.

prigimtis gimdo pasipriešinimą.

Ne tai svarbiausia.

Melo kojos trumpos.

Gaudė senis lydį.

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